Time to pull together 1.9?
Daniel Stenberg
2018-10-08 21:46:26 UTC

Issue #220 (https://github.com/libssh2/libssh2/issues/220) was filed already
in October last year asking for a new release, and we're actually quickly
approaching the two-year anniversary since the 1.8 release (on October 25).

I'm not imposing anything onto anyone and I'm not the one doing much
development here these days so I'm humbly asking: is it perhaps time to start
putting a 1.9 release together?

There are some features and patches merged since 1.8 that make life easier for
people that would be nice to ship in a proper release.
/ daniel.haxx.se
libssh2-devel https://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinf
Peter Stuge
2018-10-08 22:18:35 UTC
perhaps time to start putting a 1.9 release together?
I can look at getting axTLS crypto support in, but last time I looked
the libssh2 repo had some changes for the worse. :\ I'll look again
in the next days, probably day after tomorrow.

libssh2-devel https
Daniel Stenberg
2018-10-09 08:02:51 UTC
I can look at getting axTLS crypto support in, but last time I looked the
libssh2 repo had some changes for the worse. :\ I'll look again in the next
days, probably day after tomorrow.
Just a FYI: in the curl project we're dropping axTLS support (and will soon
remove that code) for TLS because of several reasons[1]. We no longer consider
it a good idea to recommend our users to build code with this library since we
doubt its quality and its ability/desire to fix those issues.

Now, SSH has different needs than TLS so the situation isn't exactly
identical, but I would advice caution to anyone building anything that uses
axTLS today.

[1] = https://curl.haxx.se/dev/deprecate.html
/ daniel.haxx.se
libssh2-devel https://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bi
Will Cosgrove
2018-10-09 16:56:28 UTC
Definitely think it’s time.

Beyond a couple of nice PRs that haven’t been verified yet (thinking of agent forwarding specifically) it’s in good shape and people are wanting an official release.

A co-worker of mine will be looking at the agent forwarding code soon and I have ETM and ChaChaPoly 20 code to submit back to the project when time allows. Perhaps the next release could come quicker than 2 years. :-)

Issue #220 (https://github.com/libssh2/libssh2/issues/220) was filed already in October last year asking for a new release, and we're actually quickly approaching the two-year anniversary since the 1.8 release (on October 25).
I'm not imposing anything onto anyone and I'm not the one doing much development here these days so I'm humbly asking: is it perhaps time to start putting a 1.9 release together?
There are some features and patches merged since 1.8 that make life easier for people that would be nice to ship in a proper release.
/ daniel.haxx.se
libssh2-devel https://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/libssh2-devel
libssh2-devel https://cool.haxx

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